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> 메시지 > NXP Unveils MC33777 Battery Junction Box IC for EV Safety and Efficiency
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NXP Unveils MC33777 Battery Junction Box IC for EV Safety and Efficiency

The MC33777.

NXP Semiconductor has introduced the MC33777 battery junction box controller, the first chip to combine sensing, protection, and actuation in a single IC. Designed for electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), the MC33777 monitors battery pack currents, voltages, and temperatures while complying with ASIL-D automotive safety standards.

The MC33777.

This advanced IC integrates fuse emulation technology, eliminating traditional single-use melting fuses and replacing them with fast-acting pyrotechnic switches. This feature provides quicker responses to fault conditions and enhances vehicle safety by safely disconnecting high-voltage batteries from critical systems in case of failure. NXP's solution reduces component count by up to 80%, cutting down on design complexity, PCB space, and system costs.

MC33777 block diagram.

The chip's precision and fast analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) channels continuously monitor battery conditions with high accuracy, providing real-time data for improved safety and efficiency. The fast ADC detects overcurrent events in as little as 8 µs, ensuring rapid responses that prevent potential hazards like thermal runaway. Additionally, the improved measurements enable EVs to optimize battery performance, extending driving range and enhancing overall efficiency.

Precision and fast current and voltage measurement.

By combining safety, performance, and cost-effectiveness, the MC33777 represents a significant step forward in EV battery system design, offering manufacturers the tools to improve both vehicle safety and performance.

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